Feed Your Skin with Superfoods

Super-foods have now found their way into our skincare routines, too. Almost a third of products launched in the past five years with the words ‘superfood’, ‘superfruit’ or ‘supergrain’ in the product description were cosmetics

Chia Seed Oil

Argan, coconut, rosehip: there are many contenders for the best beauty oil. So what sets chia seeds apart? Rich in antioxidants and load skin with omega-3 and 6 fatty acids. These fats aren’t made by the skin naturally, but when ingested or applied topically, they have strong anti-inflammatory properties that can prevent ageing and soothe conditions like rosacea and acne. In fact, chia seed oil has been reported as the richest source of omega-3s currently known. As inflammation is reduced, the omegas get to work repairing damaged skin and its natural protective barrier, and balancing moisture levels by reducing the amount of water that evaporates from the skin’s surface,


Glossy, golden and a natural sweetener, this bee by-product is more than just a porridge topping. Honey’s natural enzymes release hydrogen peroxide, flavonoids and phenolic acids, which have been clinically proven to prevent bacteria from growing and, along with its low pH, make it ideal for acne-prone skin. But instead of stripping skin, honey appears to nourish as it neutralises. Honey is a humectant, which means it can bind water to the skin, leaving it with a moist glow. Even better? It contains anthocyanins, which boast next-level anti-inflammatory properties. Anthocyanins promote circulatory integrity, which boosts the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the skin. Dark New Zealand manuka is also one of the richest in its purifying and antioxidant capabilities. Sweet.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C can have serious anti-ageing effects, especially in the fight against free radical damage. Why that matters? When free radicals enter the skin, they cause tiny breaks in the amino acid chain. The more breaks, the less supported skin is. That’s when you begin to see fine lines and sagging. Skin superhero vitamin C plugs those gaps with collagen. It’s needed to help produce and maintain healthy collagen to encourage skin-strengthening. It also acts as a brightening agent for sun-induced pigmentation by inhibiting melanin formation and matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) enzymes that contribute to collagen degradation.”The result: brighter, more evenly toned skin. So what should you look for on the label? Ascorbic acid has the most skin-related research of any form of vitamin C. Studies show concentrations as low as 0.6 per cent provide antioxidant and antiageing benefits.